Thank you to our 2023 Funders and Supporters

Chairs Round Table & Major Funders – All Programs

These donors have provided financial leadership with donations of $1000 or more, helping to ensure the Vancouver Island Y continues to fulfill its Mission.

$1000+ Donors- Chairs Round Table and Major Donors

Anonymous- 6

Ames Family Foundation

Art’s Boys Golf Group

Mary Wynne Ashford

Camp Thunderbird Staff Auction

Canadian Women’s Foundation

CIBC Foundation

Stephen Cushing & Deborah Gill

Karen DeMeo

Denise De Pape

Dexterra Group Inc.

Evening Optimist Club

Terry Farmer

Blake Fizzard

Derek Gent

Valerie & Ross Gibbs

Harbourside Rotary

Marjorie Horan

Robert Hutchison

Island Health

Jawl Foundation

Juan de Fuca Community Land Trust Fund through the Victoria Foundation

Kiwanis Club of Victoria

John Kot

Ernie Kuemmel & Susan Pickard

Peter Lamont

Louise Langlais

Li Li

Maria & Steve Lyne

Alan Marcus

Scott & Alison McKay

Connie Morahan

Anne Mothersill

National Bank – Financial Markets

Pegasus Recovery Solutions

Adrian Pellew

Peninsula Co-op

Provincial Employees Community Services Fund

Jill Roberts

Steve & Jane Savidant

Social Planning and Research Council of BC (SPARC)

South Island Prosperity Partnership

Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights Hospitaller

Store Street Holdings

Bill & Barbara Taylor

TELUS Community Foundation

Tom Harris Fund for Families

Victoria Cool Aid Society

Victoria Foundation’s Community Grants Program

Robert Wallace

Susan Hope Walsh & Gordon Arich

Y Walkers

Special Grants and Other Program Funding


Jean-Martin Archer

BC Farmers’ Market Nutrition Coupon Program

Teresa Barz

Jim Blakeney

Christina Breker

Karen Burns

Caffe Fantastico

Catherine Challenger

Junil Choi

Stirling Chow

Claremont Secondary Key Club

Stephen Conarroe

Joan De Turberville

Robb Douglas

Peter Drury

Darrell Evans

Andrea Fitzau

Pam Giacomelli

Heart Lake Farm

Calvin Hop Wo

Melanie Hudson

Tracy Keenan Whyte

Jeff Loenen

Karen & Jack MacKinnon

William Morehouse

Marcie Mycan

Jane Neil

Ping Identity

Diana Randerson

Barbara Singer

Randy Voldeng

In Memory of Gavin Seymour- Amanda & Brent Seymour, Tanti-Legge Family

In Memory of Barry Dunning / In Honor of Donna- Sue Smart

In Honour of Eric and Erna- Wendy & Bill Gook

In Memory of Arthur Fraser- Art’s Boys Golf Group

In Memory of Ken Hurn and Heather Robertson- Megan Hurn

In Memory of Shirley Main/In Honour of Marsha Main- Dance Fusion Gang

In Honour of Christina Smith- Sandra Somerville

In Honour of Mr. & Mrs. Eric Stormer- Wendy & Bill Gook

Nicola Benn Endowment Fund- Margaret King, Natasha Benn

Dorothy Hamilton Endowment Fund- Don Hamilton

Mitch’s Locker Fund- Sydney Kalef

We have done our best to include all of our generous Chair’s Round Table Donors and Special Funders.  We apologize for any errors or omissions.  Please contact us if there is an error in your acknowledgement.

Annual Campaign Donors – $100 or more

Anonymous – 16

Paul Abra

atWork Office Furniture

Siham Azouri

John Basey KC

Andrew Beckerman

Bill Best

Sarah Bethune

Jan Jaap Bijlsma

Elizabeth Brimacombe

Mary Browne

Barton Bourassa

Jesse Bundon

James & Shelley Campbell

Patrick & Jennifer Carr

Jim Clayton

Stephen Conarroe

Christopher Considine

Dina Correale

Doug & Nancy Craig

Michael De Turberville

Denise Donegani

Victor Dove

Sandy Dowell

John Durkin


Litzia Eccleston

Evan Fagan

Pennie Fraser

Pam Giacomelli

Christine Gleed

Garnet Goud

Steve Gough

Gyro Club of Victoria

Paul & Janet Hardy

Bob Hart

Brian Hawksworth

Sandy Hodel

Patti Hunter

Robert Husband

Teri Hustins

Robbert Jasperse

Francina Kehoe

Lisa King

Ingrid Kirk

Hana Kucera

Nicola Lemmer

Lynne Lighthall

Steve MacCarthy

Glen Macdonald

Julie Martay

Janet & Ken Martin

Lynda Mason

Alan McGee

Marion McGuire

Maggie McLaren

Megson Fitzpatrick Insurance Services – Acera

Marilyn Misner

Gail Morrison

Claude Mury

Rikki Nevins

Steve New

Robert Noble

Marilyn Pattison

Kate Pengelly

Kate Phillips

Ronald Polstein

Prewett Family

Len Rawluk

Nicola Rendell

Patricia Ross

Harold Rusk

Pamela Sanders

Lorrie Shaw

Margaret Shemilt

Andreas Siebert

Jim Simpson

Ann Smith

Veronica Stockwell

Deane Strongitharme

Wendy Sullivan

Saskia Tolsma

Robert & Maureen Townsend

Lindy Van Alstine

Anne Van Beers

Jean-Baptiste Wagret

Stuart Walker

Sharon Walls

Ed Walsh

Ken Warren

Ronald Webster

David Wilks

Gloria Wills

Fione Wilson

Denise Yoreff

Georgina Zilinsky

Wendy Zink

Thank you to our Annual Campaign Donors! We have done our best to include everyone who donated $100 or more between January 1 and December 31, 2023.  We apologize for any errors or omissions. Please contact us if there is an error in your acknowledgement.

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