Risk Awareness

The YMCA-YWCA of Vancouver Island Outdoor Centre and Camp Thunderbird is committed to providing quality outdoor experiences that support healthy growth and development of young people.  We invest significant resources to create programs that provide these benefits to our participants without exposing them to unacceptable hazards.

Participants and their families should be aware of the risks involved in participating in camp programs and accept that by participating they are taking those risks. Please take the time to review this summary of risks and our risk management approach. Risks will vary for each program, so we ask that you also take the time to review the information provided about each program.

YMCA-YWCA Outdoor Centre Risk Awareness - 2024



We strongly encourage you to review the communicable disease plan prior to registration.

2023 Communicable Disease Plan

Camp Commitment

Camp Thunderbird strives to be a fun, safe and nurturing environment where everyone has a chance to be their best.  All camp participants, staff and volunteers pledge to treat each other with dignity and respect.  Behavior that prevents others from enjoying a positive camp experience will not be permitted.  If necessary, parents will be required to collect their camper early. Inappropriate behavior including the use of offensive language, aggression, or use of prohibited items such as but not limited to tobacco, alcohol, non-prescription drugs or offensive materials will not be permitted.

The Camper’s Commitment is a very important aspect of Camp Thunderbird’s philosophy and speaks to our core values of caring, respect, honest and responsibility.  We ask that you take the time to read and discuss the Camper’s Commitment with your child.

Camp Commitment

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