2025 REGISTRATION Is Opening Soon

Please read the REGISTRATION GUIDE before registration day. It will help you have a smooth and efficient registration experience.

Early registration will only be available to those campers who attended summer camp in 2024.  Any campers from prior years, siblings or friends will be eligible to register when camp registration opens on February 26th.


Wednesday February 19th, 2025 @12noon


Wednesday February 26th, 2025 @12noon

Please read the REGISTRATION GUIDE before registration day. It will help you have a smooth and efficient registration experience.

YMCA-YWCA Registration Policy

The customer agrees that by completing registration and making payment into a single activity or multiple activities with the YMCA-YWCA that they immediately become subject to the activity or program specific cancellation and refund policy.

Camp Cancellation and Refund Policy

Cancellations must be received 30 days before the start of the camp session to be cancelled. All cancellations are subject to a 25% administration fee of the total camp cost including future payments.  If less than 30 days notice is received, fees are non-refundable.  All requests must be submitted by email to registration@vancouverislandy.ca. This includes all non-medical refund requests including but not limited to those due to camp space being unavailable for friends, siblings, and/or due to other summer opportunities becoming available outside of Camp Thunderbird programs.  The YMCA-YWCA of Vancouver Island follows all Public Health Officer orders.

Medical cancellations will qualify for a refund of the unused portion of the program, less a $50 administration fee. In some cases, a doctor’s note will be required, at the discretion of the Camp Managers.

No refunds will be issued in instances where a camper is removed during a camp program at the choice or request of the camper or camper’s parent(s)/guardian(s) or is dismissed from camp for contravention of the camp commitment.


The Registration Services team is available by phone (250-386-7511) during the following hours: Monday – Friday 8:05am – 3:25pm.  Please note we are closed on statutory holidays and weekends.  In person registration support is not available at any Y location.

Email our team anytime at registration@vancouverislandy.ca

Pre-Registration Checklist

To ensure your camper’s registration goes smoothly please take a few moments to check/update the following.

Visit the Y’s Online Service Portal… click here. Use your email and password to log in. If you cannot remember your log in email, follow the forgotten password steps.

Do not create a new account, please call our team to help! Duplicate accounts will not have returning camper settings on them.

Returning Camper Early Registration

While in your account take a quick check to ensure your camper has the prerequisite registration that will allow them to register on February 19th. If you can not locate this please email registration@vancouverislandy.ca as soon as possible.

  1. Click > My Account
  2. Under Payment and Order Management > click Transaction, Payment History & Receipts
  3. You will see: Enroll, Activity: 2025 Returning Camper

If you are a Y member who actively attends you may have to filter the search criteria or scroll to locate the registration.

Authorized Pick Ups

To add or change authorized pick up people, please follow the instructions below.

  1. Click > My Account
  2. Click > Manage Family & Camp Pick Ups (right hand side, near the bottom)
  3. Click the drop down list for your camper (not yourself or the person picking your camper up) beside Authorized Pickups and select all authorized pick up people.
  4. Repeat for each camper.
  5. Need to add someone new, click + Add family member. Enter their contact information and save.
  6. Click the drop down list for your camper (not yourself or the person picking your camper up) beside Authorized Pickups and select the new authorized pick up person.
  7. Repeat for any/all additional pick up people.

Payment Options

Payment is available online by credit card only.

Payment plans are available and can be selected during checkout. Payment plans will charge your credit card automatically on the payment dates. Please review the Payment Agreement for payment terms and conditions.

Financial Assistance and Other Funding Opportunities

Registration Services is available to assist over the phone. In person payment is not available.


We can not stress enough that if a camp fills up please join the waiting list.  Often we are able to make adjustments in the days, weeks and even months following the initial registration opening. All waitlist communication will be done via email, please ensure you respond so you do not lose a space.

More than 8 days before camp starts: 24 hour window to register.

Less than 7 days before camp starts:  we will contact all campers on the waitlist, spaces will be filled by the first respondent.

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